008847-Urine culture


Urine cultivation is a laboratory exam that identifies the presence of bacteria or other microorganisms in the urinary tract. This test is essential to diagnose urinary tract infections (ITU) and to determine the most appropriate antibiotic treatment according to the type of bacteria present.

Main characteristics of urine cultivation:

  1. Precise diagnosis: urine cultivation is a highly specific test that identifies and quantifies the microorganisms present in the urine, allowing an accurate diagnosis of urinary tract infections and the differentiation between an ITU and other conditions with similar symptoms.

  2. Antibiotic sensitivity: In addition to identifying the microorganism that causes infection, urine cultivation also allows to evaluate the sensitivity of the microorganism to different antibiotics. This information is essential to prescribe the most effective treatment and minimize the risk of resistance to antibiotics.

  3. Simple procedure: urine cultivation implies the collection of a urine sample in a sterile container, which is then analyzed in a medical laboratory. To obtain precise results, it is important to follow the sample collection instructions provided by the doctor or laboratory, such as carrying out proper cleaning of the genital area and collecting urine in the middle of the jet (medium jet urine sample).

  4. Waiting time for results: Urine cultivation results are usually available in 24 to 48 hours. In case of an infection, the laboratory report will specify the type of bacteria present and its sensitivity to antibiotics, which will allow the doctor to adjust the treatment if necessary.

In summary, urine cultivation is an essential tool to diagnose urinary tract infections and guide proper treatment.

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