That you must check if you are an bodybuilder. Most frequent exams to maintain health while you want muscle mass.

Bodybuilding is a sport that demands a lot to the body, not only in terms of physical activity, but also in diet and, in some cases, in supplementation. To ensure that the body is working at the highest level and maintaining long -term health, bodybuilders must undergo regular laboratory exams. These tests are crucial to prevent possible adverse conditions that could arise due to the extreme stress to which the body or the use of supplements and other compounds is subjected.

1. Hormonal profiles: Hormonal balance is crucial for any bodybuilder. Hormones such as testosterone, growth hormone and insulin play a vital role in performance, recovery and muscle growth. On the other hand, a hormonal imbalance can lead to serious health problems. The bodybuilders should have hormonal profile tests at least twice a year, or more frequently if they are using hormonal supplements.

2. Renal function exams: The high protein intake, common in bodybuilders, can exert pressure on the kidneys. It is vital to control renal function through tests such as serum creatinine, blood ureic nitrogen (BUN) and the Bun/Creatinine relationship. These exams must be performed at least once a year.

3. Hepatic function tests: The liver is fundamental in body detoxification. The bodybuilders, especially those who use supplements, must ensure that their liver is working properly. Hepatic function tests include liver enzymes (AST, ALT), bilirubin and albumin, and must be performed annually or more frequently in case of supplementation use that affects the liver.

4. Lipid profile: Androgenic anabolic steroids, which some bodybuilders use to increase muscle mass, can have a significant impact on the lipid profile, raising the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Total cholesterol exams, HDL, LDL and triglycerides must be performed at least once a year to monitor any potential risk.

5. Bone health tests: The bodybuilders often submit their bones to considerable stress. Bone mineral density exam (DMO) and vitamin D levels can help prevent injuries and diseases such as osteoporosis. This test is especially important for female bodybuilders due to the risk of postmenopausal osteoporosis. It is recommended to do these tests every two years.

6. Complete hemogram: A complete hemogram can offer an overview of the state of health, including vital information about red, white, platelets, hemoglobin and more. This test must be performed annually, unless there is a condition that requires a more frequent monitoring.

7. serum electrolytes: Given the intense physical activity and sweating, bodybuilders may be at risk of electrolytic imbalances. Sodium, potassium, chloride and bicarbonate levels must be regularly monitored, especially during periods of competition preparation, when dehydration can be a concern.

In summary, the laboratory test regime for a bodybuilder must be individualized, based on its general health, the level of competence, and any supplement or substance you are using. The guidance of a medical professional should always be sought to determine the exact frequency and nature of the necessary tests. Health and safety should always be the highest priority, even when sports or aesthetic objectives are pursued.

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